Navigating Canvas
What is Canvas?
Canvas is a password-protected learning management system that is accessed via the internet. Canvas can be used to integrate the internet with instruction at any level, from a web-enhanced class to a fully online one.
What basics do I need for Canvas and my class?
- Basic Computer Specification Requirements Links to an external site.
- Google Chrome Browser Links to an external site. (latest version)
- Adobe Acrobat Reader Links to an external site.
- Google Account Links to an external site.
- Microsoft Office Links to an external site. or Google Drive and Docs Links to an external site.
Clear your browser's cache to keep thing running smoothly!
- Supported Browsers Links to an external site.
- How do I clear my browser's cache on a PC? Links to an external site.
- How do clear my browser's cache on a MAC? Links to an external site.
The Canvas Home Page
Now that you have a basic understanding of what Canvas is, you are ready to learn about the student view of Canvas. The Dashboard, which is the page that appears when you first log in to Canvas, defaults to show cards for your courses and also includes the Global Navigation collection of links (including help and user information) and the Sidebar showing a to-do list, a list of upcoming events, and a link to grades. The Inbox button on the Global Navigation Menu also indicates if there are Conversation notifications for the user.
- How do I use the Dashboard? Links to an external site.
- How do I use the Global Navigation Menu? Links to an external site.
- Canvas Student Overview Links to an external site.
The Course Home Page
Clicking on a course card on the Dashboard takes a user to the course home page. Consistent within every course is the presence of the Course Navigation on the left side of the course page, the sidebar on the right side of the page, and the content area in the middle. The breadcrumbs navigation at the top of the content area may be useful depending on how the instructor has set up the course. The Global Navigation collection of links is always available on the far left side of the window.
On the Go With Canvas
Keep up with the latest and greatest in your course by utilizing the many features that Canvas has to offer while on the go. Receive a notification when new announcements and grades are posted or classmates respond to your discussion post.
- How do I add contact methods to receive Canvas notifications as a student? Links to an external site.
- How do I set my Canvas notification preferences as a student? Links to an external site.
Use a Mobile Device with Canvas
- How to download the Canvas Student app on my iOS device Links to an external site.
- How to download the Canvas Student app on my Android device Links to an external site.
Keep Up with Course Due Dates
Keep up with the latest and greatest in all your courses by utilizing the Canvas Calendar.
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