Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus and Course Schedule

Please see the course syllabus and the course reading schedule below. You can click on the preview tab or download the syllabus in Word. You may also locate the syllabus and Course reading schedule under the Introduction to History 18 module. 

Click on the Word file to download the syllabus or click on the preview tab.

HIST 018 syllabusSpring2023.docx 

Course schedule Spring 2023.docx 


Use the following link to view the course schedule as a Canvas page under our course modules: Introduction to History 18: Course Schedule


Critical Dates

Table shows critical semester dates for adding and dropping a class.
Term: Summer 2022
Last day to drop with a refund: 1/27/2023
Last day to add class: 2/3/2023
Last day to drop without a "W": 2/3/2023
Census Date: 2/6/2023
Last day to drop with a "W": 4/21/2023

Critical Dates For Section provide key registration deadlines related to adding and dropping this specific section.

Table shows description terms and their definition.
Description  Key Information
Term Indicates the term the CRN/section is assigned. 
Fall/Spring semesters are scheduled in 18-weeks and have associated full-term course deadlines.
Summer sessions are scheduled in 6-weeks or 8-weeks and have associated short-term course deadlines.
Last day to add a class Indicates the last date that the student may enroll in a section. 
Once the section begins, students may only enroll with instructor permission with an add code (Links to an external site.).
Last day to drop with a refund Indicates the last date the student may drop the section and receive a refund on enrollment fee based on District policy.
Last day to drop without a "W" Indicates the last date the student may drop the section and receive neither a grade or "W" (withdrawal) on their academic records.
Last day to drop with a "W" Indicates the last date the student may drop the section and receive a "W" (withdrawal) on their academic record. District policy limits a maximum of three (3) withdrawals for a course.
Census Date Indicates the date that enrollment is reported by the District for the section for apportionment (State funding). Students must be enrolled no later than the day before Census.






Course Summary:

Date Details Due