Course Syllabus


Susanna Gunther

Office Hourse:

Mon-Thurs 10am-11am (Online)

Best Ways to Reach Instuctor:

  1. Send a message via the "Inbox" on the home page of Canvas.
  2. Send a message using solano email to:

Course Description:

Math 2: College Algebra

Develops the skills and introduces the concepts necessary
for further study in mathematics, and facilitate the
application of those skills and concepts to other fields.
Included is a review of elementary set algebra; the
algebra of functions; the real and complex numbers as a
field; algebraic, exponential, and logarithmic functions;
equations and inequalities of these functions; solution
of linear systems, matrix algebra, and introduction to
sequences and series.

  • CRN: 80332

  • Number of Units: 4

  • Prerequisites: C or better in Math 104 or appropriate multiple measures placement

  • Co-requisites: None

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of the course, a student should be able to demonstrate the following activities:

 Solve systems of equalities and inequalities.
 Solve linear, nonlinear and absolute value inequalities.
 Formulate a mathematical model by interpreting given information and obtain and interpret the solution.
 Prove statements by means of mathematical induction.
 Analyze conic sections algebraically and graphically.
 Use formulas to find the sums of finite and infinite series.
 Apply techniques for finding zeros of polynomials and roots of equations.
 Apply functions and other algebraic techniques to model real-world STEM applications.
 Solve and apply rational, linear, polynomial, radical, absolute value, exponential and logarithmic equations.
 Recognize the relationship between functions and their inverses graphically and algebraically.
 Synthesize results from the graphs and equations of functions.
 Apply transformations to the graphs of equations.
 Apply arithmetic operations on the complex numbers.
 Analyze and investigate properties of functions.
 Interpret, analyze, and formulate a strategy for the solution of a problem.

Student Learning Outcomes

As a result of successful completion of this course, a student will be able to:

  1. Apply functions as a mathematical tool to model the conceptual ideas of algebra.
  2. Determine relevant information to sketch graphs of functions appropriate to the college algebra curriculum.

Required Course Materials and Technology

Students will be required to purchase an access code for MyMathLab and must have access to a scientific calculator

Course Content Outline

I) Introduction to set theory.

II) The real number system.
A) Definitions and notation.
B) Order and absolute value.

III) Functions.
A) Definitions, notation, evaluation and domain and range.
B) Algebra of functions.
C) Functions as mathematical models.
D) Inverses of functions.
E) Functions including linear, polynomial, rational, radical, absolute value, exponential and logarithmic.
1) Graphs and their interpretation including asymptotic behavior, intercepts and vertices.
2) Transformations of graphs of these functions.
3) Solution of equations involving linear, absolute value, polynomial, radical, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions.
4) Solution of linear, non-linear and absolute value inequalities.
F) Introduction to polynomial functions.
1) Zeroes of a polynomial.
2) Remainder theorem.
3) Factor theorem.

IV) Analytic Geometry.
A) Points and distance.
B) The line.
C) Conic sections and their properties.

V) The complex number system.
A) Definitions.
1) Algebraic operations.
2) Field properties.
3) Rectangular form.
B) Complex zeros of polynomial functions and equations.

VI) Applied linear algebra.
A) Solution of linear system of equations or inequalities.
1) Graphical solutions
2) Substitution and elimination.
3) Gaussian elimination.
B) Matrix algebra.
1) Addition and multiplication.
2) The inverse matrix.
C) Solution of linear systems by matrix methods.
1) The matrix equation.
2) The augmented coefficient matrix.
D) The determinant and its applications.
1) Cramer's rule.
2) Area (optional).
3) Volume (optional).

VII) Introduction to sequences and series.
A) Sequences and series.
1) Definitions.
2) Arithmetic.
3) Geometric.
B) Proof by mathematical induction.

Important Notes:

  • Any student needing accommodations should inform the instructor. Students with disabilities who may need accommodations for this class are encouraged to notify the instructor and contact the Disabled Students Program (DSP) early so that reasonable accommodations may be implemented as soon as possible. All information will remain confidential.
  • Academic dishonesty and plagiarism will result in a failing grade on the assignment. Using someone else's ideas or phrasing and representing those ideas or phrasing as our own, either on purpose or through carelessness, is a serious offense known as plagiarism. Please see the Solano College handbook for policies regarding plagiarism, harassment, etc. See page 9 of the student handbook.

Log-in and Participation Policy

Attendance for an online class involves logging in and completing your assignments.  Many assignments you will do on your own, but others will involve responding to other students discussion posts or questions. In general, a weekly assignment list, or Module, will be posted every Tuesday. Each Module will contain multiple assignments with recommended due dates included for some of them.  All assignments for each Module must be completed and submitted prior to beginning the next Module.

While most of this class is asynchronous, meaning it can be completed based on your schedule, there are tests throughout the semester that must be taken during the specific hour(s) they are assigned.  These include the chapter tests and the final examination for this course. These tests will all be completed during the time officially assigned for this course, namely at an assigned time on Monday or Wednesday between 11am to 12:50pm, and during the scheduled two hour final exam time for this course which is Wednesday, December 16th from 10:30am to 12:30pm. Additionally, there may be online lectures or review presentations via Zoom, which will occur live during the normal class hours as well, if offered. An attempt will be made by the instructor to record and post any Zoom meeting, but in order to get the most out of such a presentation it is preferable for students to attend the live presentation whenever possible.

Instructor Initiated Contact Policy

The instructor will post a weekly announcement to the class, as well as potentially more frequently as topics arise needing announcements. If there is a need, the instructor may also email the class, or individual students, as necessary. The instructor will also post material covering the math content and assignments to complete.  The content will be covered via a combination of posted text pages, reading assignments from the book, videos, discussion prompts, as well as potentially via presentations online, and through practice problems.

Student Initiated Contact Policy

There are two ways to easily reach the instructor for this course. The one you use should depend on the topic of the communication.

  1. For content questions in this course, including both questions about how to solve a homework problem or technological problems with the course, please post your questions to the Q and A Forum included in the weekly Module. It is likely that if you need help on a problem, or are having a technological difficulty associated with this class, that someone else enrolled may either be having the same issue or may have already solved the problem or difficulty and may be able to assist you online via the Q and A Forum. The instructor will read and respond to posts put up on the Q and A Forum each week, although it is also a good place for students to help each other with homework or technology problems they may be having. Feel free to both post questions and solutions on these Forums.
  2. For questions related to your grade or about anything specifically related to you personally, please feel free to email me by using the "inbox" option on the blue Canvas menu to the left.  I expect to return emails within 24-48 hours except on weekends or holidays, when it may take me a bit longer to respond. 

Student to Student Contact Policy

Students will be communicating with the other students and with the instructor in this course. It is required that these communications be polite, productive, and respectful. Please see the netiquette section of the online training for this week for reference. Online insults are not tolerated in this course, as it is important that all students feel welcome to post questions safely and with the expectation that their input will be respected and that members of the class will support each other and the instructor in the online work environment. We are here to learn together and to support and encourage each other and be a resource for each other. It is truly magical when an online class develops it's own supportive community, and this leads to increased learning and enjoyment for everyone.

Critical Dates and Course Schedule

Critical Dates

Table shows critical semester dates for adding and dropping a class.


Fall 2020

Last day to drop with a refund:


Last day to add class:


Last day to drop without a "W":


Census Date:


Last day to drop with a "W":


Critical Dates For Section provide key registration deadlines related to adding and dropping this specific section.

Table shows description terms and their definition.


 Key Information


Indicates the term the CRN/section is assigned. 
Fall/Spring semesters are scheduled in 18-weeks and have associated full-term course deadlines.
Summer sessions are scheduled in 6-weeks or 8-weeks and have associated short-term course deadlines.

Last day to add a class

Indicates the last date that the student may enroll in a section. 
Once the section begins, students may only enroll with instructor permission with an add code (Links to an external site.).

Last day to drop with a refund

Indicates the last date the student may drop the section and receive a refund on enrollment fee based on District policy.

Last day to drop without a "W"

Indicates the last date the student may drop the section and receive neither a grade or "W" (withdrawal) on their academic records.

Last day to drop with a "W"

Indicates the last date the student may drop the section and receive a "W" (withdrawal) on their academic record. District policy limits a maximum of three (3) withdrawals for a course.

Census Date

Indicates the date that enrollment is reported by the District for the section for apportionment (State funding). Students must be enrolled no later than the day before Census. 

Important Dates

  • No classes September 5, 6, and 7 - Labor Day
  • No classes October 13 - Professional Development Day
  • No classes November 11 - Veterans Day
  • No class November 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29 - Thanksgiving

Link to Academic Calendar for 2020-2021 (Links to an external site.)

 Grading Standards

Course Grading Scale

This table shows the course grading scale


Letter Grade

100% - 90%


80% - 90%


70% - 80%


60% -70%


0% - 60%



Course Grading Weights

This table shows the course grading weights

Assignment Group

% of Grade

Homework (Including practice problems, other Module assignments, as well as required discussion posts and responses.)


Quizzes (offered asynchronously and with the option to retake as many times as a student prefers during the week it is offered.)


Chapter Tests (Timed tests give n only during the specific hour offered in the Module during which it is completed. No make-up chapter tests will be given, but the lowest chapter test or one missed chapter test score will be dropped.)


Final Exam (Offered for two hours only on Wednesday, December 16th from 10:30am to 12:30pm.) 




Late Work Policy

Each Module must be completed within the week it is assigned. Modules are assigned on Tuesday and are due 7 days later. Also, if a chapter test or the final exam is included in a Module, then these tests must be completed exactly during the hour(s) assigned. Chapter tests and the final exam will only be offered during specific hours, but those hours will always be during the officially assigned class meeting time for this course. No late work will be accepted without instructor approval usually including an officially documented reason for late submission.

Academic Integrity

Complete your own work. Cite sources and references accordingly. If you need assistance with citing your sources, please ask for help. Do not cheat or participate in academic dishonesty. All suspected violations will be subject to a zero on the assignment and the appropriate disciplinary action. Please reference your Student Handbook (Links to an external site.) for your Rights and Responsibilities.

Inclusive Learning Commitment

Your success in this class is important to me. We all need accommodations because we all learn differently. If there are aspects of this course that prevent you from learning or exclude you, please let me know as soon as possible. Together we’ll develop strategies to meet both your needs and the requirements of the course.

You are encouraged to visit Disabilities Services Program (Links to an external site.) to determine how you could improve your learning as well. If you need official accommodations, you have a right to have these met. There are also a range of resources on campus, including the Academic Success & Tutoring Center (Links to an external site.)

Course Summary:

Date Details Due